Sep 24, 2009

This Is Only a Test

There he is. Mayor Nutter inaugurating the new bike lane on Pine Street yesterday as he made his way to work in the morning. Since Sunday, I have gotten a better feel for the lanes, and have mixed feelings. Yesterday morning in Old City they were great to ride on--hardly any cars driving in them. Then came the 5 o'clock rush hour near Broad Street, and that was a totally different story. Cars drove in the lanes like they weren't even there, and one cabbie even yelled out, "This is not a bike lane!"... which it was. I will just never understand why drivers are so aggressive in this city. Actually, as someone you does totally run that yellow light when I happen to drive, I take that back. It's because I can. Plain and simple. I know that there will be no consequences, so I do it. I wish that someone, somewhere out there would start ticketing for these traffic offenses because they just make things less safe for everyone, pedestrians and other drivers included. Check back in November as the city assesses this pilot program and decides its ultimate fate.

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