Sep 29, 2009

Ring in the New Fall

Holy god, it's already First Friday again and I am wondering: where did the last month go?... because, for better or for worse, I remember very little of it. This will probably be the last good First Friday (September's was amazing) since it's going to start getting cold outside, so I would check that out if I were you. Then, on Saturday, I would check out the Fall Fest on Sansom Street. I went last year and it was a really good time. Pretty sure there was cheap beer being sold (or even given away?) on the street.

Sep 27, 2009

Taking over Philly one signpost at a time

The picture out front of the Khyber on Friday night after the Barred for Life Alley cat/ Fun ride. Pretty amazing utilization of one signpost for about a dozen bikes. I was obviously across the street in my black cut-off denim jacket.

Sep 24, 2009

This Is Only a Test

There he is. Mayor Nutter inaugurating the new bike lane on Pine Street yesterday as he made his way to work in the morning. Since Sunday, I have gotten a better feel for the lanes, and have mixed feelings. Yesterday morning in Old City they were great to ride on--hardly any cars driving in them. Then came the 5 o'clock rush hour near Broad Street, and that was a totally different story. Cars drove in the lanes like they weren't even there, and one cabbie even yelled out, "This is not a bike lane!"... which it was. I will just never understand why drivers are so aggressive in this city. Actually, as someone you does totally run that yellow light when I happen to drive, I take that back. It's because I can. Plain and simple. I know that there will be no consequences, so I do it. I wish that someone, somewhere out there would start ticketing for these traffic offenses because they just make things less safe for everyone, pedestrians and other drivers included. Check back in November as the city assesses this pilot program and decides its ultimate fate.

Sep 23, 2009

Know Your Neighborhood

Just picked up one of these for the new, currently unspecified, apartment. The company who prints these, Ork Posters, has produced maps for all the big, liberal U.S. cities, so you'll probably find your hometown, or your future hometown. There's also a print of my favorite organ, the heart, that's totally awesome. Christmas present, please.

Sep 20, 2009

A Place to Call My Bike Lane

I must say, I'm a little shocked. As I continue to hear mixed stories about the status of the budget, I never thought that the city would go through with its plan to install across-town bike lanes on Spruce and Pine Streets. And yet tonight, as I found myself walking through Center City, I saw the lines. Two solid white lines painted down the right side of Spruce Street. It took me a good 10 minutes and so much staring that I walked straight into a pile of sidewalk dog excrement in order to figure it out. The middle line is simply covering what used to be the dashed line separating the two lanes of automobile traffic, with about two feet between that and the line delineating the bike lane.

Why this middle line was painted I can only guess, because line removal seems so much more appropriate. And sadly, though not at all surprisingly, it appears that drivers have already taken it upon themselves to make the bike lane into another lane of parking, leaving the maybe 2-foot "buffer lane," containing no markers, to its left. I really, really hope that it was not planned this way because having ridden in this pseudo-lane tonight, it felt about 10 times less safe than before. Now, rather than being entitled to an entire lane of the road, a biker is expected to fit between 2 lanes of cars, in an absurdly narrow space.

I looked into the requirements for bike lane width and there doesn't seem to be any government standard, just some suggestions presented in reports by various nonprofit organizations. The typical bike lane width is set at 5 feet, which is likely the width of the lane I saw tonight. But the "buffer lane" to its left was just absolutely no where near what is necessary. The width of combined parking and bike lanes is suggested to be 12 or 13 feet, though I would guess that the one the city has created is maybe 8. I honestly just see really bad things happening for bikers who feel pressured to stay in that lane when cars are parked in the true bike lane, being jammed between cars moving at regular speed and stationary vehicles, whose doors could open out onto them at any time. We'll see what happens once more signs go up and they finish painting the little stick figure bicycle men into the lanes, but right now I'd say someone really jumped the gun on this one.

Sep 17, 2009

Grab a lawn chair, a drink and some sod

Let's hope for some sun tomorrow during Philly's second installation of Park(ing) Day, a national event whose aim is to raise awareness of the need for green space in urban areas. To get their point across, area businesses and advocacy groups will be setting up their own parks along the curbs of some of the city's most traveled blocks. This year there will be 33 different stops throughout the city, including PennDesign City Planning (3400 block of Walnut St.), several architectural firms (900 block of Walnut St., 1218 Arch St.) and the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (20th & Arch Sts.). Despite the worthy message, it's impossible to tell what sort of effect this type of thing actually has, but hey, I'm going to make the rounds because that's a really nice logo they have there.

Sep 16, 2009

7th Annual Bike Part Art Show!

THIS is happening this Friday. It's an art show... about bikes! A silent auction of bike-made or -related pieces will go to benefit Neighborhood Bike Works' free after-school program and summer camps--both very worthy causes considering the impending cut of various public youth activities. Check out their Flickr gallery for some of the goods that will be up for the bidding. I think that my personal favorite is either the "Flaming Wheel" or "Greetings From Metropolis," or maybe "Red Light." Maybe I'll see you there and we can duel over the work. Many of the pieces start at asking prices below $50, so hopefully nothing will break the bank.

Sep 10, 2009

Nutter's Plan C - -

It is with great sadness that I just received a copy of the Fairmout Park Plan C letter, dated today, September 10, 2009. I've plead "ignorance is bliss" and ignored all things political this summer, apparently missing most of the details on the proposed city budget cuts that are looming. But when it comes to something that will affect the park system, well, it starts to get personal. The letter states that "...the City will be forced to discontinue operations of the Fairmount Park system after the close of business Friday, 2 October 2009." Well, pending approval of the sales tax increase from 7 to 8% that needs to be passed in Harrisburg. Cessation of operations includes "trash pick-up, litter removal, turf mowing, fountain operation, trail and ball field maintenance, tree planting, pruning and removal, facility and janitorial maintenance." That's a lot of things. Most mind-blowing are trash pick-up, mowing, field maintenance and janitorial service. That's right--no bathrooms. I mean, it basically means that these parks, which I recently bragged make up the 3rd? largest city park system in the country, will be largely unusable.

And beyond Fairmount Park effects, ALL libraries will be closing, garbage will be picked up bi-weekly, the Finance Department will eliminate 23 positions and, my personal favorite, 1,000 stop lights will be reduced to red blinking lights. True progress comes in cities with no libraries or parks.